Articles tagged as UK Law
UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law
Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.
Regulation and Investigation of Crime on Social Media in the UK
Law Dissertation Examples
The purpose of this project is to explore the potential and limits of the proposal to link users’ social media registrations to their national identity number, as a means to address the challenges for traditional criminal law in tackling crime on social media....
Last modified: 23rd Aug 2021
Effect of Race and Gender Bias on Jury Decisions
Law Dissertation Examples
The issue of racial and gender bias in juries is a very contentious issue, it is raised due to a perceived lack of fairness in a jury trial. The notion of trials by jury has developed substantial over the years. In 1215, following the Norman Conquest, The Magna Carta included recognition that a person has the right to be trialled by ‘the lawful judgment of his peers’....
Last modified: 23rd Aug 2021
Should Sexting be Criminalised to Combat the Issue of Revenge Porn?
Law Dissertation Examples
This study will explore the issue of revenge porn which is a niche area under cyber-bullying in the 21st century. The definition of revenge porn is a distribution of explicit images or videos of an individual without consent....
Last modified: 23rd Aug 2021
The Eugenia, Ocean Tramp Tankers Corporation v V/O Sovfracht
Case Summaries
The vessel Eugenia was let to the charterers for “a trip out to India via Black Sea” from the time Eugenia was delivered to them in Genoa. Under Clause 21 in the contract between the two parties, the vessel was not to be brought within any zone which is dangerous as a result of any actual or threatened act of war...
Last modified: 23rd Jun 2021
Judges Interpretation of Legislation
Constitutional Law
Parliament makes the law but it is the roles of judges to interpret parliament’s words. They have a measure of discretion and creative power ......
Last modified: 23rd Jun 2021
Does the UK Have a Constitution?
Constitutional Law
Constitution can be defined as the rules and practices that determine the composition and functions of the organs of central and local government ......
Last modified: 23rd Jun 2021
Morgan v Odhams Press
Case Summaries
The defendant was a journalist collecting material on a dog doping gang story, whereby he put a key witness (who agreed to talk to him) under his surveillance while investigations were ongoing....
Last modified: 23rd Jun 2021
Principle of the Separation of Powers
Constitutional Law
The separation of powers is a constitutional principle introduced to ensure that the three major institutions of the state namely; the legislative, the executive and the judiciary are not concentrated in any single body whether in functions, personnel or powers....
Last modified: 23rd Jun 2021
Relationship Between the Judiciary and Government
Constitutional Law
To be able discuss the relationship between the government and the judiciary it is first crucial to outline the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. According to this doctrine in any state, three essential bodies must exist: the executive, the legislature and the judiciary...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Problem Question - Dispositions to a Will
Equity Law
When considering any disposition it is paramount to interpret it in such way that most effectively fulfils the testator’s intention and to ensure that the true intention is not exposed to any injustices that could alter the original meaning....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Problem Question on Equity and Trusts
Environmental Law
The owner of the legal interest cannot be a trustee of the trust property until aware of the facts alleged to affect his conscience. In order to establish a trust there must be identifiable trust property...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Loss of Right to Reject and Terminate a Contract
Commercial Law
The focus on the paper is where the right to reject and terminate has arisen but lost at a later stage. For example, once the buyer makes a total waiver, for instance, a statement that he will forgive the seller no matter what he does, he will lose the right to reject and terminate....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Vicarious Liability
General Law
Vicarious Liability. Employed persons are, then, divided into two essential groups. The first group is 'those employed to perform services in connection with the affairs of the employer and over whom the employer has......
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
History of the Tort of Vicarious Liability
Tort Law
The following paper shall investigate the origins and development of the tort of vicarious liability. In doing so it shall provide an analysis for the usage of the legal terminology in an effort to produce distinctions....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Previously Under the Common Law also Known as Case Law or Precedent
Business Law
Vicarious liability is the legal liability imposed on one person for torts and crimes committed by another, even though they are not......
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company
Contract Law
Mrs. Louisa Elizabeth Carlill who had seen the advertisement bought one of the balls and eventually used it three times daily for nearly two months until when she contracted the flu on January 17, 1892. Hence due to her adherence of the instructions she claimed £100 reward from the Carbolic Smoke Ball Compan...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Advertisement is a Unilateral Offer
Contract Law
The appellant can argue that the advertisement is a unilateral offer and respondent published it having an intention of a binding agreement. In the advertisement, the respondent has included the exact time, date and conditions. People can clearly identify by looking at the advertisement that the respondent had a serious intention of having a binding agreement....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations
Contract Law
However, introduction of Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act and The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations is certainly making some progress. And the introduction of these standards the delay of payment will continue to decline, as well as business expenses of companies....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Essay on The Sale of Goods Act 1979
Commercial Law
The Sale of Goods Act lays down a small number of compulsory legal rules concerned with an array of presumptions and implied terms, which aim to reflect the commercial expectations in the most commonly agreed sales contracts. In the absence of contrary agreement these terms will govern a contract within the Act’s remit....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Pre Trial Decisions and Rising Guilty Pleas
Criminal Law
The ‘Mass Production Of Guilty Pleas’ Is The Primary Purpose Of The Pre Trial Decisions. Discuss. What is a guilty plea and how is it that the guilty pleas of defendants keep rising? Is it to do with mens rea? Or are they just doing as their told?...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
The Rules Behind Statutory Interpretation
Administrative Law
There are four Rules of Statutory Interpretation, these are the literal rule, the golden rule, the mischief rule and the purposive approach. These rules will be discussed within the body of this essay....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Criticisms of the Partnership Act 1890
Company Law
Partnership Act 1890 (“the Act”) is constantly being criticized as of advanced age and thus fails to suit the vast number of modern partnerships. Yet, it is also suggested that it is vagueness in the Act, rendering it high degree of flexibility and adaptation, accounts for its continued survival. So is the Act under need for reform?...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Electronic Surveillance and RIPA
Criminal Law
It will be argued that the increased use of electronic surveillance is unlikely to lead to the demise of human intelligence sources, this assignment will show that the two will work together and that regulation will ensure that that they will both enhance each other....
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Can Restorative Justice Provide Alternative Criminology?
Restorative Justice is a process to “make things as right as possible” which includes: attending to needs created by the offense such as safety and repair of injuries to relationships and physical damage resulting from the offense; and attending to needs related to the cause of the offense...
Last modified: 11th Jun 2021
Law in Action Compared with Law in Books
Civil Law
The aim of this report is to assess how “law in action” can be compared to “law in books” which may be done by observing the criminal and civil procedures of the Criminal and the Civil Courts....
Last modified: 10th Jun 2021