Articles tagged as UK Law
UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law
Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.
Report on Court Room Observation
English Legal System
My report on court room observation focuses on observations from two courts. The first one was the Manchester Civil Justice Centre which is a new justice building in Manchester....
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
Relationship between Wrongful and Unfair Dismissal
Employment Law
In order to be able to effectively examine the role between wrongful and unfair dismissal, it is necessary to appreciate how each concept operates within employment law. This work shall thoroughly review each concept, the way they interact with one another and then a conclusion shall be drawn as to whether this is an area of the law that requires reform....
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
The Concept of Capital
Company Law
The concept of ‘capital’ has a restricted and technical meaning within company law. A company’s capital adds up to all of the cash or the value of assets received by a company from investors in return for the company’s shares....
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
The Mareva Injunction
English Legal System
Another aspect of the injunction that has undergone change is the extent of the restraint. At its first appearance, it sought to restrain the defendants from ‘removing or disposing out of the jurisdiction any of their assets within the jurisdiction’. Subsequently, it evolved into what is now the customary form of the Mareva injunction – the freezing order....
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
Criminal or Civil Standard of Proof
Criminal Law
The standard of proof, in essence, can be loosely defined as the quantum of evidence that must be presented before a Court before a fact can be said to exist or not exist. As the type of cases before a Court can be classified into criminal or civil, so can the standard of proof...
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
Police Powers of Arrest within PACE
Public Law
The Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) and the PACE codes of practice provide the core framework of police powers and safeguards around stop and search, arrest, detention, investigation, identification and interviewing detainees...
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
The Doctrine of Res Gestae
Common Law
The aim of this paper is to investigate the manner in which the res gestae doctrine has been characterised under Common Law, and to trace its development as an exception to the exclusionary hearsay rule....
Last modified: 31st Aug 2021
Family Behaviour and Divorce Rates
Family Law
The work is divided into three parts: the first sets out the important historical background to the debate, showing how and why the concept of no-fault divorce first emerged during the Enlightenment period; the second part offers an overview of the different legal regimes in Sweden and England, whilst the third part offers and evaluative discussion of the pros and cons of either approach....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Extra Judicial Punishments and Killings
Constitutional Law
Extra Judicial Killing is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or any legal process. Extrajudicial Punishments are unlawful by nature, because they break the process of legal jurisdiction in which they occur....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Types of Injunctions in Civil Courts
Civil Law
Consider the various types of injunction that the civil courts are empowered to grant, giving illustrations as to the exercise of judicial discretion to ensure that any such orders are made only when ‘just and convenient’ to do so....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Why Do Social Workers Need To Know The Law?
The aim of this assignment is to consider the importance of law for social workers and discuss the professional skills and values which underpin social work practice in England and Wales today....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Concept of a Police Report within the Code of Criminal Procedure
Administrative Law
The report under Section 173 is a report on the results of the investigation made under Chapter XIV, which means an investigation made under Section 155 (2) or Section 156. The ‘Police report’ which Section 173 contemplates cannot therefore be a report of a case in respect of which no investigation under Chapter XIV has taken place or is possible...
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Explanation of Statute Law
Constitutional Law
A statute law is a written law produced by Parliament which originates from decisions made in other courts and the country’s written constitution. It is the highest type of law which passes Acts onto the Houses of Parliament where they debate whether the Act should exist or not....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Arguments for Abolishing the Monarchy
Administrative Law
This essay will look at the arguments which are in favour of abolishing the monarchy. These include the fact that the monarchy is very costly, the monarch does not exercise formal powers herself, but it is exercised by ministers. ...
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
The Dark Figure of Crime and the Reporting of Crimes
The paper aims at highlighting the root causes of the dark figure of crime and the extent at which it exists in the society. There is need for a clearly defined procedure for reporting and recording of crimes committed. This paper therefore provides a precise process that should be followed to report and record crimes....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Testate Succession and Intestate Succession
Equity Law
The existence of the twin regimes of testate and intestate succession may reflect the wealth of a deceased person – those who have a lot to leave will generally prepare carefully for how it is to pass and to whom (as in the case of Williamson v Williamson) while those with not very much will allow it to pass to their partners and children in general with no actual preference....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems of Justice
Criminal Law
Adversarial and inquisitorial systems of justice represent two different means of conducting trials with adversarial systems used in common law jurisdictions such as England and the inquisitorial system being prevalent in mainland Europe. This essay will outline the characteristics of each system and consider which one is best suited to the assessment and evaluation of facts....
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
'Due Process' and 'Crime Control' Models of Criminal Justice
Compare And Contrast The ‘Due Process’ And ‘Crime Control’ Models Of Criminal Justice. How Does Each Approach Reflect The Broader Aims Of ‘Criminal Justice’?...
Last modified: 26th Aug 2021
Medical law and Ethics: The UK, Netherlands and Belgium
Medical Law
Compare and contrast the law relating to both embryonic stem cell research and abortion in Germany and England & Wales. To what extent has each jurisdiction adopted a consistent approach to the status of and/or respect due to the human embryo/foetus?...
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Law on Balloting and Industrial Action
Employment Law
In order to assess how far the law on balloting democratizes or inhibits the taking of industrial action this paper will look at the background to the law on industrial action, examine the current legislation on balloting and associated case law, both domestic and international....
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Effectiveness of Anti-money Laundering Legislative Provisions in the UK
Law Dissertation Examples
Though, the main focus of this discussion will be on UK’s anti-money laundering initiatives to tackle the problem, its history, the sectors where money is laundering, scale of it, UK’s implication of international measures, brief effect of Brexit, role of financial institutions and regulatory bodies will be discussed....
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Potential Outcomes of Criminalising Forced Marriage (FM)
Law Dissertation Examples
The following dissertation will discuss and evaluate the effect and likely outcome of criminalising forced marriages (FM). It is important to define what a FM is as there are several myths and stereotypes in society. Forced marriage can be defined as a marriage which occurs when one or both parties to the marriage have been pressurised into marriage....
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Contact Orders and Abusive Parents' Access to Children
Law Dissertation Examples
This paper discusses the courts’ approach when granting contact order and concludes that the law has not found a satisfactory approach to the issue of contact where there is a history of domestic violence perpetrated by the father against the child and the resident mother....
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Principles of Limited Liability and Corporate Personality
Law Dissertation Examples
This dissertation will discuss the principles of limited liability and corporate personality and the courts’ reluctance to disregard the corporate veil the principle called “piercing the Corporate Veil”...
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
Individual Freedom and Social Contract Theory
Law Dissertation Examples
The Social Contract Theory is what is called a meta-narrative by post-modernist writers in that it attempts to give an overarching explanation of law’s legitimacy which makes a number of assumptions about human nature, the structure that law ought to take and what the social contract agrees upon. It is these criteria which we will be evaluating in the work....
Last modified: 24th Aug 2021