Law Exam Revision Service
Preparing for your law exams can be a very difficult time for many students. Law exams often differ from other subjects in that you are not just being asked to prove your knowledge, but to apply your understanding of the law to a problem scenario. This means not only learning about the law, but also knowing how it works in real life situations. Preparing for a law exam goes beyond learning facts, so knowing how to prepare a detailed answer in a short period of time is a key skill for exam success. Students often feel nervous before entering the exam hall, and this is completely natural, but revision is key to calming your anxiety: the more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel.
Our Law Exam Revision Service can help you prepare any type of exam: it’s personalised to your needs and will support you in your revision to help get you the grade you want!
Undergraduate 2:2 • 1000 words • 7 day delivery
Delivered on-time or your money back
Written to Standard
Always on Time
Unrivalled Quality
Why choose our Exam Revision Service?
Our Exam Revision Service has helped thousands of customers prepare for their exams! We have a huge team of writers who come from every academic background you can imagine and who are very well-versed in exam revision, so will know exactly what you need to write about and how best to structure the information so you can revise it and really take it in.
Get Your Revision Notes Today! Place an OrderReasons to choose our service
We only allow our qualified academic writers with matching qualifications to take on your work.
Your order will go through rigorous quality controls and is checked against your instructions and academic standards by qualified professionals, we'll even give you a quality report to show our findings.
Your order will come with a comprehensive plagiarism report which is compiled with our state-of-the-art plagiarism software, ensuring the work that is produced is not plagiarised.
You get a 7 day amendment period, so if you're not happy with the work, let us know and our customer support teams will resolve any concerns.

Our order process is simple Three easy steps!
Start your LawTeacher order
First, select the service you want, the grade you require and the subject you are studying. When you choose your delivery date, make sure you are giving yourself plenty of time to revise using the work that we give you! We will also ask for your email address and phone number – it’s important these are correct so that we can contact you about your order.
Tell us all your requirements
Next, we ask for more details about your exam: for example, what type of exam it is, how long it will be, and if you require references. If you aren’t sure about any of these, don’t panic! Our Live Chat Team are happy to help; just select the icon in the bottom right-hand corner to start talking. If you have any extra information or files that you feel will help us, feel free to add them, as it will all help us find the most suitable writer for you.
An academic expert will start your order
Your order will now be placed, and a member of our team will get in touch confirming your details. You can pay now or later, but the sooner that you make your payment (50% minimum), the easier it will be to find a writer to help you. It typically takes between 24-48 hours to find a writer but every order is different, so it can vary!
What the service includes
Seen exams are common on some law courses. Here, you are given the question in advance and able to prepare an answer before sitting the exam. When sitting the exam, this allows you to focus more on the application of law to the problem questions at hand, rather than struggling to remember facts. By ordering our ‘seen exam' option, our legal writers will produce a fully written exam answer (normally without referencing) to give you the perfect foundation to prepare for your exam.
Our seen exam service will provide you with a fully-written exam answer which takes into account how long you have to write it. It will include everything that you need to prepare for your exam and will give you a structure for how to best answer the question. Check out a seen exam example!
Another common type of law exam is called an ‘open book' exam. Here, you are allowed to take some material into the exam with you – this might be a book or some basic notes, for example. Our writers can prepare easily digestible notes to help you prepare for this type of exam. Alternatively, if you're simply looking for facts and easy to learn nuggets of information for a traditional exam, the ‘exam notes' option is for you.
Our exam notes will help you to understand a topic you may find tough. Our writers will follow whatever requirements you express regarding how you would like your notes to be delivered (e.g. in bullet points, brief sentences, short summaries, or whatever you find works best for you) and will make use of your key sources, which you can see in our examples page. We’ll give you as much information as you need for your time limit so that you won’t be left short with too little information or overburdened by too much.
Prior to an exam, you'll often be given past exam papers to review and help you prepare. These give a fantastic insight into the type of questions you'll be asked – slightly modified versions of the questions may even appear on the upcoming exam. With our ‘exam answer' option, our writers will prepare a perfect exam answer for you, designed to show you how to effectively answer a question in order to achieve maximum marks. You can see an example exam answer here.
Why you'll love
Your order is 100% unique to you – so it is plagiarism-free and is never shared online or anywhere else - and will be written by one of the best experts in the business.
Safety first
It's important that you trust the company that you are going to use for exam revision services: after all, it's your grade that's at stake! Our company details can be found at the bottom of any screen on our website, along with our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. You're also welcome to give us a call before placing our order if you're still a little unsure: we're a friendly team, and we are always happy to help! Check out our independent customer reviews to see just how professional and supportive our staff are: they're posted by customers just like you!
Our website is checked daily by online security experts, TrustedSite. As part of these checks our website is screened for malware, viruses and online phishing attempts. You can see our latest security report here.
Expertly assessed quality
We aim to exceed your expectations, and we have numerous quality control procedures in place which are integral to our company. We work with only the most professional, experienced writers: before starting work with us, they must pass a test, prove their identity and show us their own previous university results for each module assessment. All applicants must have at least a 2:1 degree, but many hold at least one postgraduate degree, too! You'll only ever have your order written by someone who is experienced in your subject area and can write to the level you have requested.
Committed customer service
If you find you aren't happy with your work, we'll still help you; we don't hide away from any issues because we know just how important our Exam Revision Service is to you. We therefore have an Aftercare Team who are dedicated to solving any problems, helping you to make sure you get the most out of your order. We aim to respond quickly to all messages, and we keep in constant contact with our writers so that you know what's happening at every stage of your order.
How to use our Law Exam Revision service
After the order has been written and checked over, you’ll be able to download your work. It’s then time for you to begin revising! We have a page entirely dedicated to Exam Tips and Techniques and you should use our work as a guide to help you.
Firstly, learn the key terms and definitions we’ve given you. Knowing and – more importantly – showing you understand key terminology can be an easy way to get marks, and they are often very short and simple to remember. Test yourself on these by having a list of definitions to learn.
Use our exam revision to create a structure for what you’re going to write and make notes for things to talk about. Practice writing your own answer under mock exam conditions: we recommend timing yourself in a quiet room, ideally at a desk, in a place where you won’t be interrupted. It’s important to ensure you are not simply re-writing your notes over and over: instead, test yourself to see what you’ve learned from your revision. Making flashcards for yourself or getting someone else to ask you quick-fire questions can be really useful ways to do this!
Eventually, exam day will come around. When the exam starts, take a few deep breaths before turning over your paper to help you keep calm. It’s a great idea to spend at least five or ten minutes writing a plan for how you’re going to answer the question you have been set; this is something that you can plan before you even enter the exam hall if you have a seen exam!
Lastly, don’t panic and plan something fun to do after your exam – you deserve it!
Our Fair Use Policy
Our Fair Use Policy outlines the way in which the work we provide should be used and gives you the necessary guidance to get the most out of your model answer.
Read our Fair Use PolicyDon’t just take our word for it!
We've served over 25,000 customers since we started trading in 2003. The reviews below are all from the independently verified and trusted website - a leading online reviews platform.

I ordered a plan to help me with a difficult question I wasn't sure where to start. I used the plan to write my full essay and it worked great, gave me everything I needed to understand. Really good value.
Cho S
The writer followed my instructions perfectly and produced an excellent piece of work. I’m delighted with the results.
Oliver K
This is actually legitimate and not a scam. Used it multiple times.
David M
I'm very happy with your help! Would def. recommend it
Karin S
I am very happy with the service I receive and received from Lawteacher.
James G
The project that I’ve ordered was done wonderfully and was exactly what I wanted and even more.
Related services
We can help you no matter what level you’re writing for. Many of our writers hold master's degrees or higher, so we can help regardless of whether you are studying for an undergraduate or postgraduate assignment! We have a variety of other services that you can use.
View our full service portfolio.