Articles tagged as UK Law

UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

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UK Law

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law

Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.

The Civil Justice System Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Lord Woolf, Access to Justice (Final Report, July 1996), identified a number of principles which the civil justice system should meet in order to ensure access to justice. The system should:...

Last modified: 2nd Sep 2021

Civil Appeals Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

A civil appeal is usually taken to the House of Lords on a question of law, although the appeal can be on a question of fact, such as the quantum of damages....

Last modified: 2nd Sep 2021

Capacity Law Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

The general rule of English law is that any person is competent to bind himself to any contract he chooses to make, provided that it is not illegal or void for reasons of public policy. At common law there are exceptions to this rule in the case of corporations, minors, married women, mentally incompetent and intoxicated persons....

Last modified: 2nd Sep 2021

Administrative Tribunals Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Administrative tribunals resolve disputes between, for example, the citizen and an officer of a government agency or between individuals in an area of law in which the government has legislated the conduct of their relations....

Last modified: 2nd Sep 2021

The Law of Equity and Equitable Remedies

Properties and Trusts

The law of equity began in the court of chancery which was set up because a fair and just remedy could not be given through common law as monetary compensation was not suitable and sometimes a well deserving plaintiff was denied because the writs where quite narrow and rigid....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

Separation of Powers in the UK

Family Law

The UK Relies On A System Of Checks And Balances To Prevent Against Abuses Of Power. Examine How The Checks And Balances Work To Prevent Against Potential Abuses Of Power And Discuss The Extent To Which The Current Administration Has Sought To Strengthen These Checks And Balances In Recent Years....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

Dicey and the Rule of Law

Constitutional Law

It is well-known that there is an absence of a written codified constitution in the United Kingdom which legally restraining the actions of the government and controlling the exercise of public power. As such, the rule of law, along with Parliamentary Sovereignty and the ruling of the courts are basically defining the principle of unwritten constitution....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

How is an Offer Terminated?

Contract Law

There are a number of ways for an offer to be terminated. They are events that may occur after an offer has been made which bring it to an end so that it can no longer be accepted....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

Distinctions between Common Law and Civil Law

Common Law

The aim of this essay is to look at the basic distinctions between common law and civil law and also common law and equity. This essay will firstly look at the historical context of civil and common law and then contrast distinctions between the two....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

Reasons for and Application of Rules of Statutory Interpretation

Constitutional Law

The primary aim of this essay is to explain the reasons and application of rules of statutory interpretation. The secondary aim of this essay is to examine the quote that “they are rather crude labels for describing a complex mechanism, i.e. making sense of what someone else has written....

Last modified: 1st Sep 2021

Offers and Invitation to Treat

Contract Law

Offers and invitation to treat are the primary examples of transactions and they have certain procedures to secure interchange between people. This essay will focus on some human rights in the contract law. However, in order to understand briefly about law of contract we start with to comprehend binding contract....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Critical Analysis of the Literal, Golden, and Mischief Rules

Administrative Law

Statute law may be used to extend, over rule or modify existing meanings of current common law. As well as this, entirely new laws can be created in statutes, there are three rules used when using statute law these rules are the Literal, Golden, and Mischief Rules....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Different Types of Constitution

Constitutional Law

In conclusion, whether a constitution is codified or uncodified, flexible or inflexible, presidential or monarchical, republican or parliamentary, political or legal, the one thing they have in common is that all constitutions are unique....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co

Contract Law

The company made a product called “Smoke Ball”. It claimed to be a cure to influenza and many other diseases, in the context 1889-1890: Flu pandemic which is estimated to have killed 1 million people. The smoke ball was a rubber ball with a tube fixed to its opening....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Liberal Democracies - Tyranny of the Majority

Administrative Law

Tyranny of the majority is obviously an important issue in democracy. So important in fact that the ‘founding fathers’ of the USA chose to create measures which reduced the ability of the majority to tyrannise the majority....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Right of Set-off in Building Contracts

Contract Law

. The principle laid down by Dawnays has been criticised by Gilbert Ash case at the House of Lords which declared that the decision in Dawnays was wrong thus the decision of the case “ought not to be allowed to stand(1)”...

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Powers of the House of Lords to Obstruct a Major Bill

Constitutional Law

When introducing a bill to Parliament there is always a chance that the proposals set out in the bill go against what the unelected House of Lords (the Lords) believes in, and therefore decides to veto....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Comparison of Scottish and English Law of Interdicts, Injunctions and Super Injunctions

Civil Law

The main aim of this report is to research if Super Injunctions should be legally enforced in Scotland. Although, the first objective is comparing the Scottish and English Law of Interdicts, Injunctions and Super Injunctions. What are the different types and what do they do?...

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

The Amalgamation of Companies

Business Law

Amalgamation is form of business combination. It is used as some other meaning like merger, absorption, consolidation, acquisition etc. It occurs When a company wants to expand their business in terms of long term profitability under a mutual setting by two parties...

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Scottish Land Ownership Laws Post-devolution

Land Law

Traditionally, Scotland operated a feudal system of land tenure in much the same way as England and Wales; however, following the devolution of Scotland in 1999 and the ability for the country to make its own laws, the position in relation to property ownership in Scotland has become somewhat removed from the position in England and Wales....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

The Role Of Queen’s Counsel In English Legal System. Controversies, Ideas, Reforms

English Legal System

Queen’s Counsel is in fact a special which is awarded for distinguished branch of advocates in England and Wales. Traditionally, this was restricted to barristers but in 1996 the system was changed and solicitors became entitled to be appointed Queen’s Counsels....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Review of Purdy v Director of Public Prosecutions (UK Suicide Case)

English Legal System

Critically Assess The Significance Of The House Of Lords’ Recent Ruling In R (On The Application Of Purdy) V Director Of Public Prosecutions [2009] UKHL 45....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Liability of Parent Company for actions of Subsidiary

Business Law

The basic feature of corporate personality is that the corporation is a legal entity distinct from its members. The main advantage that it has is that it is capable of having rights and of being subject to duties which are not identical as those enjoyed or borne by its members...

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Relationship between Gender and Crime


The aim of this essay is to consider how gender affects the way the law and society respond to different types of crime and violence. It will argue that gender plays a significant role in dealing with various crimes within the criminal justice system. ...

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021

Problems faced by Minority Shareholders

Business Law

The main problem on which focus in this essay is required on the effectiveness of the treatment which is most commonly used by minority shareholders to get some personal treatment in wake of breaches of directors’ duties, or of other inadequate conduct of company business....

Last modified: 31st Aug 2021