Articles tagged as Australian Law
This selection of academic papers covers the legal system of Australia and contains, essays, dissertations and case summaries which may be of interest to Australian law students or those studying Australian laws from outside Australia.

Latest Law Papers tagged as Australian Law
Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.
An Erroneous Belief at Contracting
Contract Law
In contract law, mistakes in law are a group of rules in English contract law, which happen to share the same title. A mistake is an erroneous ......
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Common Law Discuss That the Pre-Registration Contract
Company Law
Basically the common law discuss that the pre-registration contract is when a person makes a contract on beha......
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Prime Objective of Registering a Company
Company Law
A prime objective of registering a company is to execute a business with the third party or with the contractor. In order to conduct a business with outsiders, a company should execute a contract with the outsiders. As mentioned in s124 of Corporation Act 2001...
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Breach of Any Implied or Express Terms in This Contract
Contract Law
This is the first element of contact law . intention is to create a legal relationship between two or more parties......
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
The Material Facts of the Tabcorp Case
Contract Law
Case: Tabcorp Ltd v Bowen Investments Pty Ltd A) Provide a summary account of the material facts of the Tabcorp case and its progression from the o......
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Family Provisions – 'moral duty/claim'
Equity Law
The idea of freedom of testation is a relatively short-lived and flawed notion that as holders of property rights, such freedom to do with this......
Last modified: 12th Aug 2019
Exceptions to the Parol Evidence Rule
Contract Law
Most of the contractual disputes concern the parties’ rights and obligations under the contract. To resolve this kind of disputes the courts ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Implied Terms in the Employment Contract
Employment Law
Staff in the course of employment usually creates inventions. Employer usually owns the ownership of the invention created by employees ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
The Future of Equity and Law as Separate Jurisprudential
Equity Law
Introduction Under Australian law, the existing non-statutory law has been divided into equity and common law....
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Building Works Contract Is a Written Agreement Between Parties
Contract Law
A building works contract is a written agreement between parties involved in the building or alteration of any structure. It details the rights and obligations of all parties involved, administration procedures......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Existing Duty Rule in Australian Law
Contract Law
Australian law, derived from the commonwealth law with addition of its own has been in place ever since the settlement of Captain Arthur Phillip ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
The Promises
Contract Law
The promises, made between at least two parties to express the willingness to do or not to do certain things are basically deemed as agreements....
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Specific Terms Such As Consideration, Capacity, Intention
Contract Law
Contract is form by specific terms such as consideration, capacity, intention and also genuine consent. Among all of these terms there also sub topic under each specific terms that we previously mention that are important in the......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Estoppel in the Australian Law System
Contract Law
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Promises can be considered as special in our society because to keep a promise is the moral thing to do. In human ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Contributions of Equity and Trust in Australia
Equity Law
Australia’s non-statutory laws are divided into two facets – Equity and Common Law. The Common Law primarily protects the rights of citizen ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Should Australia become a Republic?
Constitutional Law
Both republicans and monarchists have marked their opportunity in their own way after defeated in the referendum on a republic in 1999. John .....
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Distinguishing Features of the Australian Legal System
Constitutional Law
Legal System by definition refers to the process of making and implementation of laws. This system primarily describes the type of laws created ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Legal Rights and Liability of Parties
Contract Law
In advising the parties, as to their legal rights and liability, I will discuss the different hypothesis which arises within each situation....
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Offer and Acceptance Analysis Formula
Contract Law
The offer and acceptance formula, developed in the 19th century, identifies a moment of formation when the parties are of one mind. This classical ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Contract Exists as Either Verbal or Written
Contract Law
Introduction Contract is form by specific terms such as consideration, capacity, intention and also genuine consent. Among all of these terms ......
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Main Characteristics of Constitutional Convention in Westminster
Constitutional Law
Many rules are followed by political institutions in countries using the Westminster system of government that are neither codified in legislation...
Last modified: 8th Aug 2019
Resolving the Contradictions of Graduate Employability
Employment Law
1. INTRODUCTION 1.0 The Concept of Employability Employability skills are not job specific, but are skills which cut horizontally across ......
Last modified: 7th Aug 2019
Dealing With Work Place Discrimination
Employment Law
When an employee is treated differently or less favorably from the other at the same place of work – it is discrimination. Discrimination ......
Last modified: 7th Aug 2019
Driving Whilst Intoxicated
Criminal Law
Driving Whilst Intoxicated. Debate on the topic of drink driving as a criminal offence is intense, divided and passionate. Some scholars like, Thomas Aquinas believed that intoxication was to some extent a defence, whereas Aristotle thought the punishment should be quite harsh......
Last modified: 7th Aug 2019