Articles tagged as Australian Law

This selection of academic papers covers the legal system of Australia and contains, essays, dissertations and case summaries which may be of interest to Australian law students or those studying Australian laws from outside Australia.

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Australian Law

Latest Law Papers tagged as Australian Law

Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.

A Tort of Breach of Privacy

Constitutional Law

This paper argues that a tort of breach of privacy should be established in Australian law as the current statutory and common laws are ......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Principle of Corporations Law

Company Law

A fundamental principle of corporation’s law is that a corporation is a separate legal person who is liable for its own actions. This principle suggests that a corporation should take responsibility...

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Legal Advice on Mobile Phone Contracts

Contract Law

Facts I have been asked to advise Terry, a 17 Year Old boy who wanted a mobile phone. After selecting the carrier ‘Cheap to Talk’ and ......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Harding v Wealands

Contract Law

This question proceeds on the assumption that I have been instructed by the defendant in Harding v Wealands[1]....

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Did Parties Intend to Be Legally Bound

Contract Law

To establish a contract we need to identify an agreement; offer-acceptance, intention to be bound and an exchange of consideration. For Robbie to ......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Details of Payment as Penalty for Delay

Contract Law

Abstract The Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal was called upon to decide on a provision of NIL DOLLARS liquidated damage in a ......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Australian Common Law

Company Law

Australian Common Law. The law seeks to protect consumers in many ways. In addition to giving them civil law rights in tort and contract, it also regulates the conduct of business to ensure that consumers are not taken advantage of. But because of today's continuous increasing number of businesses....

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Damages for Delay in Project Completion

Contract Law

Abstract The Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal was called upon to decide on a provision of NIL DOLLARS liquidated damage in a contract ......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Analysing the Australian Health Care System

Constitutional Law

Introduction The National Health and Hospital Reform Commission report for Australia is based on three important tenets that in a nut shell summari......

Last modified: 20th Aug 2019

Defination of Merchantable Quality

Contract Law

According to the Probert Encyclopedia of Money, the ‘merchantable quality’ term refers to an implied condition regards about the state ......

Last modified: 19th Aug 2019

Implied Term in the Employment Contract

Contract Law

The purpose of this paper is to explain whether there is an implied term in the employment contract that the employer owns the inventions of an......

Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

Exemption Clauses in Contracts, a Case Study

Contract Law

The question is whether or not Townsville can rely on the exemption clause in the contract between Sebastian and Brisbane Shipping Ltd....

Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

Case of Giller vs Procopets Australian Tort Law

Contract Law

The case of Giller versus Procopets tries to look into the Australian law of Torts and how the Australian legal system is mechanized to deal with various torts an example being the intentional infliction......

Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

Duress and Force in Contract Law

Contract Law

Contract law elucidates the obligations of parties involved in the contract process. Contract law in Australia involves two branches of ......

Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

Negligence and Duty of Care in Sports

Contract Law

Our case is about Frank, a football lover who frequently attended games in the local stadium. On one occasion the soccer ball was kicked into the ......

Last modified: 16th Aug 2019

Director Responsible for Managing Business Affairs of Company

Company Law

A company being a legal entity can only act through natural persons to run its affairs. Director is the person on whose behalf the co......

Last modified: 15th Aug 2019

Application in Australia of Doctrines of Unconscionability

Contract Law

Introduction In recent years, there has been a marked quickening of interest in the application in Australia of the equitable doctrines of ......

Last modified: 15th Aug 2019

Penfold v Westcote

Case Summaries

The defendant said the following about the claimant: “Why don’t you come out you blackguard rascal, scoundral, Penfold, you are a thief”....

Last modified: 15th Aug 2019

CASE STUDY 3 Problem 1

Contract Law

Last Christmas Mark received a board game as a present. Mark has no interest in such a game and since he owes his cousin Mandy $1000, Mark asks......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

Whether Mario has a Contract

Contract Law

With reference to case law, analyze each communication between Mario and Lee and explain whether Mario has a contract with Wood Ovens Pty ......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

To Act on Companys Behalf Entering Contract

Contract Law

Corporations Act s 124 states that once a company is registered, it is granted the legal capacity and powers of an individual, which includes ......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

Equity’s Not So Clean Hands

Equity Law

By Tarrek Naji Historically equity does not punish, and further more it is not a punitive jurisdiction. Punitive damages are ones which punish and......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

Unconscionable Conduct in Australia

Contract Law

Abstract: The ever expanding consumer population has found ways of redress according to legislation and general law in Australia. This ......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

An Employee or Independent Contractor

Employment Law

Is Guinevere an employee? What is the nature of the relationship between Guinevere and Magic Computers? Is Guinevere an employee or independent ......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019

Lawful Workplace Discrimination and Remuneration

Employment Law

When an employee is treated differently or less favorably from the other at the same place of work – then it is discrimination. Discrimination ......

Last modified: 14th Aug 2019