Articles tagged as UK Law
UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law
Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.
Damages and Remedies Case Summaries
Case Summaries
A shipowner was held liable to a charterer in damages for loss of a cargo which had been caused by a combination of perils of the sea and the unseaworthiness of the ship....
Last modified: 7th Sep 2021
Blundell v St Andrew's School 2007
Case Summaries
Maternity leave – right to return to work – ‘same job’. The claimant teacher had taught a reception class before taking maternity leave. Upon her return, she was offered a role either as a floating teacher or taking a class of older children....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Hounslow LBC v Twickenham Garden Developments Ltd
Case Summaries
EQUITY – MANDATORY INJUNCTIONS WHICH ASSIST A BREACH OF CONTRACT. A local council had contracted with the defendants for construction work on their land. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Holman v Johnson - 1775
Case Summaries
Agreement for the sale of tea at Dunkirk valid and value of tea recoverable. The plaintiff sold and delivered a quantity of tea to the defendant knowing that the defendant intended to smuggle it into England (without paying the relevant duty)....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
R v Hale - 1978
Case Summaries
Robbery under Section 8(1) Theft Act 1968, actus reus, immediately before or at the time of stealing using force on any person. Two defendants entered the victim’s house and stole her jewellery box from her bedroom. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Santley v Wilde 1899
Case Summaries
Collateral advantages and presumptions about oppressive conduct. The owner of a lease of a theatre wanted to carry on a theatre business there and took out a mortgage of £20,0001 in order to do this, secured against the lease, over five years....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
R v Horncastle and Others 2009
Case Summaries
Case Summary of R v Horncastle and others [2009] UKSC 14 (SC). Hearsay evidence and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). R v Horncastle and others was an English legal case concerning the rules on hearsay evidence....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Trespass To The Person Cases
Case Summaries
Trespass To The Person. In an action for damages for assault and false imprisonment it appeared that the plaintiff had contracted with the defendants to enter their wharf and stay there till the boat should start and then be taken by the boat to the other side....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Hannaford v Selby
Case Summaries
Trust – Beneficial Interest – Common Intention – Property – Repossession – Licensee – Notice – Reasonable Time. The defendants, the Selby family, were the parents of the complainant, Mrs Hannaford. The Hannaford family bought property in their own name and used the money from selling their former home...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Corporate Officer of the House of Commons v Information Commissioner
Case Summaries
PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGE – FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – JURISDICTION. Numerous requests were made to the House of Commons under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for detailed breakdowns of some MPs’ claims under the Additional Costs Allowances scheme. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Melbury Road Properties 1995 Ltd v Kreidi
Case Summaries
LAND LAW – REGISTRATION – CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST. The defendant sought to extend his lease pursuant to a statutory framework. He served the notice of claim required, and was later informed......
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Cases on Actus Reus
Case Summaries
Cases on Actus Reus. The defendant, a diabetic was charged with assaulting his victim. The assault occurred whilst the defendant was in a state of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level due to an excess of insulin)....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Marriage and Nullity Case Summaries
Case Summaries
According to Lord Penzance in Hyde v Hyde (1866) LR 1 PD 130, concerning the validity of a Mormon marriage, marriage may be defined as “the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others”. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Participation Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Cases on participation. The defendant had deliberately given false information to the book-keeper of the company for which he worked, knowing that it would be entered into the accounts. As the book-keeper had innocently entered the wrong information, the defendant was convicted as the principal on a charge of falsifying the accounts....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Terms of The Contract Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Terms of Contract Cases. The plaintiffs, who had shipped goods for many years with the defendants, who were forwarding agents, agreed to a changeover in the method of shipment to enable goods to be carried in containers stored below deck on the ship....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Intoxication Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Cases On Intoxication. The defendant had been convicted of various counts alleging actual bodily harm, and assaults upon police officers. The offences had occurred after the defendant had consumed large quantities of alcohol and drugs....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Equitable Remedies Case Summaries
Case Summaries
The court refused specific performance to a buyer of a set of Hepplewhite chairs saying that they were 'ordinary articles of commerce and of no special value or interest'. Note: the buyer was contracting with a view to resale and for personal use....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Non-fatal Offence Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Case summaries covering non-fatal offences including common law assault and battery, assault and ABH, malicious wounding and GBH. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Necessity Law Law Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Necessity Law. Necessity law arises where a defendant is forced by circumstances to transgress the criminal law. The generally accepted position is that necessity cannot be a defence to a criminal charge. The leading case is......
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Murder and Unlawful Killing Cases
Case Summaries
Murder is a crime of specific intent. Intention in this context includes direct or oblique intent. Direct intent covers the situation where the defendant desired the death. Oblique intent covers the situation where the death is foreseen by the defendant as virtually certain, although not desired for its own sake....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Exclusion Clause Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Contract law exclusion clause cases including incorporation, interpretation and unfair contract terms. The plaintiff bought a cigarette machine for her cafe from the defendant and signed a sales agreement, in very small print, without reading it. ...
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Promissory Estoppel Cases
Case Summaries
An example of promissory estoppel is where A promises B that he would not enforce his legal rights and B acted and relied on it without giving any consideration....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Cases on Mens Rea
Case Summaries
Mens Rea Case Summaries. The defendant, in order to frighten Mrs Booth, her rival for the affections of Mr X, put burning newspaper through the letterbox of Booth's house and caused the death of two of her children....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Consideration Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Re McArdle (1951) A wife and her three grown-up children lived together in a house. The wife of one of the children did some decorating and later the children promised to pay her £488 and they signed a document to this effect....
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021
Self Defence Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Self Defence. At common law the defence of self-defence operates in three spheres. It allows a person to use reasonable force to: (a) Defend himself from an attack......
Last modified: 6th Sep 2021