Articles tagged as UK Law

UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

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UK Law

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law

Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.

Doctrine of Separation of Powers: Malaysia, UK, USA

Public Law

Reasons for a separation of powers and a look at how Malaysia, the United Kingdom and the USA implement a separation of power....

Last modified: 22nd Sep 2021

Principles of Natural Justice and Bias from Preconceived Notions

Constitutional Law

The principle of natural justice or fairness is the sine qua non of a democratic government. Bias is the idea that a judge may have “preconceived ideas” concerning the case before them....

Last modified: 22nd Sep 2021

Proportionality as a Ground of Judicial Review

Constitutional Law

Proportionality is one of the most important grounds for judicial review. It has been a ground for many years and has evolved from the concept of unreasonableness....

Last modified: 22nd Sep 2021

Lay People and Their Role as Magistrates and Jurors

Common Law

The term ‘lay people’ is used to describe the use of ordinary, non-qualified people in the legal system. It is believed that by using ordinary people in courts it makes the system fairer....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

A Contract Is Void Without Consideration: Case Study Examples

Contract Law

A contract is void without consideration. In other words, the court will never enforce a gratuitous agreement....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Reasons for the Creation of Equity and its Common Law Differences

Equity Law

The historical reasons behind creation of equity as a system of law and the differences that exist between equity and common law....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Separation of Powers in the UK and Uzbekistan

Administrative Law

An explanation of the elements of separation of powers and a look at the systems employed in the UK and Uzbekistan....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Establishing Certainty of Objects in Trusts

Equity Law

This essay will argue that tests deployed by courts to establish certainty of objects in both fixed and discretionary trusts has functioned well....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Offer and Acceptance Examples

Contract Law

Offer and acceptance analysis is a traditional approach in contract law used to determine whether an agreement exists between two parties....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Exemption Clause

Contract Law

An exemption clause is a contractual term by which one party attempts to cut down either the scope of his contractual duties or regulate the other parties right to damages or other possible remedies for breach of contract....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Mistake, Discharge and Breach in Contract Law

Contract Law

Mistake in contract law is an incorrect understanding by one or more parties to a contract and may be used as grounds to invalidate the agreement....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Five Vitiating Factors That Undermine a Contract

Contract Law

An explanation of the five vitiating factors that undermine a contract: Misrepresentation, Mistake, Duress, Undue Influence and Illegality....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Control Over Delegated Legislation

Administrative Law

Delegated legislation is allowing bodies below the parliament to pass their own legislation. There are three main forms of delegated legislation....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

What is Meant by ‘Causation’ in Criminal Law?

Contract Law

Causation in Criminal Law is concerned with whether the defendant’s conduct contributed sufficiently to the prohibited consequence to justify the criminal liability....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

The Historical Development of Equity Law

Equity Law

The historical development of equity law and understanding that equitable principles are distinctive from but not necessarily incompatible with those of common law....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Consideration Need Not be Adequate

Contract Law

According to the law, consideration for a contract must be sufficient but it need not be adequate. Explain what this means and what it is so ......

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Pure Economic Loss

Tort Law

Pure economic loss is financial damage suffered as the result of the negligent act of another party which is not accompanied by any physical damage to a person or property....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

What is Vicarious Liability?

Contract Law

Vicarious liability is not a tort. Literally, it means that one person is liable for the torts of another....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

The Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet Rule

Commercial Law

This essay will consider the operation of the nemo dat quod non habet rule and whether the exceptions to it offer an effective compromise....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Relationship Between Morality and the Law

Medical Law

This essay will look at the relationship between morality and the law which will then be illustrated by looking at whether voluntary euthanasia should be legalised in England....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Botham v TSB Bank

Case Summaries

In possession proceedings against the appellant numerous items were held to be fixtures and therefore would become the property of the respondent when the property was repossessed....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Distinction Between Fixtures and Chattels

Properties and Trusts

Determination of fixtures and chattels using cases to illustrate the rule and any exemption of the two....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Differences Between Common Law and Equity

Equity Law

Common law and equitable rights have two different functions. We look at the differences between common law and equitable rights....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

The Jury System

Criminal Law

The concept of the jury system was probably imported into Britain after the Norman Conquest, though its early functions were quite different from those today....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021

Tests to Determine Employment Status

Employment Law

What is required in law for a worker to be considered an employee and what types of workers are not, starts with several common law tests....

Last modified: 21st Sep 2021