Articles tagged as UK Law

UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas.

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UK Law

Latest Law Papers tagged as UK Law

Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.

Ashbury Railway Carriage v Riche

Case Summaries

For the constitution of companies incorporated under the Companies Act 2006, a memorandum of association containing the purpose for which it is incorporated is no longer a requirement....

Last modified: 28th Sep 2021

Smith v Hughes

Case Summaries

Contract – Mistake – Breach of Contract – buyer beware – Caveat Emptor. The complainant, Mr Smith, was a farmer and the defendant, Mr Hughes, was a racehorse trainer. ...

Last modified: 28th Sep 2021

Entores v Miles Far East Corporation

Case Summaries

Contract – Acceptance – Postal Rule – Damages – Instantaneous communication. The complainants, Entores, were a company that was based in London....

Last modified: 28th Sep 2021

Derry v Peek - 1889

Case Summaries

False representation - In the prospectus released by the defendant company, it was stated that the company was permitted to use trams that were powered by steam, rather than by horses....

Last modified: 28th Sep 2021

Hadley v Baxendale - 1854

Case Summaries

The claimant, Hadley, owned a mill featuring a broken crankshaft. The claimant engaged Baxendale, the defendant, to transport the crankshaft to the location at which it would be repaired and then subsequently transport it back....

Last modified: 28th Sep 2021

Public Benefit Requirement for Charities

Public Law

This essay summarises the current law in relation to the public benefit requirement for charities and charitable trusts....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Principles of a Legal Constitution

Administrative Law

The constitution of a country is a set of rules regulating the powers of its government and the rights and duties of its citizens....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

R v Director of the Serious Fraud Office

Case Summaries

The Director of the Serious Fraud Office started investigating certain allegations of corruption against a UK company. Among other things......

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

The Right to Silence in UK Law

Administrative Law

The right to silence, or right to remain silent, emerged to protect the rights of suspects and grants a defendant the right to remain silent in an interrogation and in trial....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

The Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case

Trading Law

Since 1911 British trawlers had been seized and condemned for violating measures taken by the Norwegian government specifying the limits within which fishing was prohibited to foreigners....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Summary of Consumer Protection Laws

Commercial Law

Consumer laws were created so that products and services provided by competitors were made fairly to consumers....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Alteration of Company Articles of Association

Company Law

Section 31 of the Companies Act states that the amendment or repeal of any provision in the articles will requires a special resolution of members....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

The Distinction Between Leases and Licences

Properties and Trusts

An explanation of the difference between a lease and a licence according to The Property Act 1925....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Gibson v Manchester City Council - 1979

Case Summaries

The House of Lords held that there was no concluded contract and the defendant was not legally bound to sell the property, as the council’s letter did not state the price and was not an offer but an invitation to treat....

Last modified: 27th Sep 2021

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co - 1893

Case Summaries

Emphasised the significance of offer and acceptance in contract law; distinguishes between offers and invitations to treat. The issue in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co was whether the advert in question constituted an offer or an invitation to treat....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Pharmaceutical Society v Boots - 1953

Case Summaries

The defendant ran a self-service shop in which non-prescription drugs and medicines, many of which were listed in the Poisons List provided in the Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933, were sold. ...

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

R v Woollin

Case Summaries

Case Summary of R v Woollin [1999] AC 82. The facts of Woollin comprised of the defendant throwing his three month old baby to the ground in frustration when it would not stop crying, leading to the baby dying from a fractured skull....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Adams v Lindsell

Case Summaries

The case of Adams v Lindsell (1818) 1 B & Ald 681 is taught to university law students when studying offer and acceptance. It is often thought by students to have set a rather strange precedent....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Partridge v Crittenden - 1968

Case Summaries

Facts in Partridge v Crittenden. The defendant advertised for sale a number of Bramblefinch cocks and hens, stating that the price was to be 25 shillings for each. Under the Protection of Birds Act 1954, it was unlawful to offer for sale any wild live bird....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Caparo v Dickman Case Summary

Case Summaries

Case Summary of Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] UKHL 2. The tripartite test in establishing duty of care. Caparo is the landmark case which has created the tripartite test in establishing duty of care....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Literal Rule

Constitutional Law

This essay will outline the advantages and disadvantages of the literal rule and argue that it is not a sensible guide....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Has The Human Rights Act Refined Parliamentary Sovereignty?

Administrative Law

An essay on whether the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) has refined parliamentary sovereignty and whether government and parliament are accountable for their actions....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Rule of Recognition in a Modern Legal System

Public Law

Rule of recognition is a kind of secondary rule which validates a legal system and which is central, foundational and essential to every legal system....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Voluntary Manslaughter and Diminished Responsibility Cases

Criminal Law

Voluntary Manslaughter consists of three significant factors which create defences when a person is charged with murder....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021

Mirror Principle and the Land Act

Land Law

A sound system of land registration is underpinned by three principles: the insurance principle, the curtain principle, and the mirror principle....

Last modified: 24th Sep 2021