Articles tagged as Indian Law

This selection of law content including essays, dissertations, problem questions, and case summaries is relevant to Indian law students and to those studying Indian law from outside of India. India has an organic law as a consequence of the common law system. Through judicial pronouncements and legislative action, this has been fine-tuned for Indian conditions.

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Indian Law

Latest Law Papers tagged as Indian Law

Including law essays, dissertations, problem questions, case summaries, and law lectures, suitable for law students working towards their LLB / LLM qualifications or those studying for the new SQE.

Indian Constitution and Asymmetric Federalism

Administrative Law

“It must always be remembered that the various Indian tribes were once independent and sovereign nations and that their claim to sovereignty ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Adoption and Indian Society

Family Law

Adoption provides a very important function in Indian society. India has long tradition of child adoption. In older days, i......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Telangana Constitutional Issues

Administrative Law

This paper traces the provisions and framework laid down in the Constitution of India with regard to formation of new states and alteration of boundaries to carve out new states. Since the formation of......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

National Company Law Tribunal

Administrative Law

The Companies (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002 has been passed by the Parliament and the law for it has been enacted. However, it is yet to come into ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Free Transferability of Shares in Public

Business Law

Restrictions on a shareholder’s ability to sell his stake in a company usually find its way through most Shareholders Agreements. Be it through a right of first ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Concept Behind the Separation of Powers

Administrative Law

The concept of Separation of Powers is a model for the governance of democratic states. The three branches of the government- the legislative, the ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Customs is an Important Source of Law

Islamic Law

Because of the working women belonging to the lower strata of the society, the various castes and tribes had relatively more woman oriented inheritance laws as opposed to the higher castes where women mostly just maintained the household....

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Effectiveness of the Legal Provisions

Family Law

The word maintenance in common parlance means the act of supporting. When we come upon the term maintenance in relation to the family structure, we only tend......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Role of Reserve Bank

Finance Law


Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

India Has the World’s Second Largest Legal Profession

Indian Law

India has the worlds second largest legal profession with more than 600,000 lawyers. The predominant service providers are individual lawyers ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

The Indian Forest and Wildlife Acts

International Law

A forest is a terrestrial ecosystem, where communities of plants and animals interact with one another and with the physical environment ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Property Law

Land Law

Introduction The Indian Contract Act was passed before the Transfer of Property Act, and as stated in the notes to the preamble of the T.P.Act, one......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Issue in the Industrial Jurisprudence


The definition of industry has always been a very contentious issue in the industrial jurisprudence and there have been an array of cases which ......

Last modified: 17th Jul 2019

Jurisdiction of the Supeme Court

Judicial Law

The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of India...

Last modified: 9th Jul 2019

The Indian Constitution and Its Contribution to International Law

International Law

Law is given by the subjects of that legal system to govern themselves. In this sense, States are the primary contributors of international law ......

Last modified: 9th Jul 2019

Daughters Get Equal Share

Finance Law

Women constitute half the world's population, perform nearly two-thirds of its hours, and receive one-tenth of the world's income and less than one hundredth of the property....

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Family Law Research Paper Common Grounds for Divorce

Family Law

All major religions have their own laws, which govern divorces within their own community......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Corporate Disclosure and Transparency

Finance Law

There is no gainsaying of the importance of corporate governance at a time when stock market interests have clambered up on to a much higher perch as compared to some years ago....

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Right Clean Environment

Human Rights Law


Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

What Are the Problems Facing Biotech Patents?

International Law

INTRODUCTION Biotechnology is the science of developing techniques for the application of biological processes and organisms to the production ......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Intellectual Property Services in India & Service Tax Regime

International Law

Moving in an era where the fruits or products of intellect are considered to be at a higher footage than any other form of material wealth , as ......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Plant Breeders Rights

Human Rights Law

The concept of Intellectual Property was originally not extended to include plant variety management....

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Marital Rape: Should It Be Made an Alternate Ground for Divorce?

Family Law

Rape has, time and again, been defined to be the most heinous crime that can be committed against a woman- a crime which can be regarded as the most brutal......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Composition of an Arbitral Tribunal

Commercial Law

INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND PICTURE Prior to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter called ‘the Act’), the Arbitration ......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019

Emergency Provisions Under Constitution of India

Administrative Law

The Indian system of government is of quasi-judicial nature where resembling a federal government, powers are distributed between the centre ......

Last modified: 3rd Jul 2019