What can I ask for in my order?

Type: Support Article. Published: 1st Apr 2024

The easiest orders to place with one of our experts are those which come with lots of useful, relevant information. While checking your order, we’ll suggest any information and/or files our writer will require in order to do a fantastic job. Our writers work best when they have all of the same information to hand as you have!

You can be as specific as you like about your order – in fact, we encourage you to give as much detail to the writer as you can. Essential information includes the exact title to be answered; the referencing style to be used; the standard you’d like the model answer to be written to; and the word count for your order. We will also take into account requests about style, the structure to be used, and any specific sources you’d like the writer to use.

If you don’t have lots of information to hand, though, don’t worry - we’ll work with you to make sure our writers have everything they need to do an excellent job. The best thing to do is to place your order, sending us as much information as you can, and we’ll get in touch from there!

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